Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Stimulus Package Woes

           There is talk on Capitol Hill of another stimulus package. The majority of the money of the last package went to “shovel ready projects” the rest went to various local government projects all of which were intended to boost the economy by creating jobs. Then all that turned into saving the economy by saving jobs. Three years later all I see is debt, some rebuilt bridges and repaved roads. The jobs that were saved will soon be gone and then we are back to where we started. Thus, another stimulus package is needed, and then another, and then another, and so on, and so on, etc.
            The problem I have with the last stimulus package is that it did little to help the economy. What it did do is line the pockets of the owners of construction companies. Please allow me to explain. Big fat checks were sent to each state, the state divided the money into local and state agencies, mostly for construction projects. Then big money was paid to various construction companies that were picked by the usual system of graft, kick-backs and political favors. Who do you think makes those big reelection donations to your local and state politicians? Sure, a few guys got paid their usual salary to improve roads and things like that but the majority of the money was kept as profits by the owners of the construction companies. So the rich get richer and “keeping your job” is the new salary raise, thanks Gov.
            Let’s look at the numbers and see what we can do to solve the problem. The stimulus package was $787 billion dollars in 2009. In 2009 there were 78668381 people or families that actually paid taxes. That is $10,004.02 for each of us. I suggest that we should have put that money in one of those ATM food stamp cards, make it applicable for goods and services made in the USA, then give one to each tax payer. Now that’s my idea of a stimulus package. What’s yours?

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