Monday, December 10, 2012

If we ever get off of this rock, 
let’s leave the lazy people behind.

Today, I read that over 15% of the people in America are on food stamps! As a kid growing up in East L.A., I can say that I have seen the good social programs like free lunch and food stamps can do. I am convinced that these programs are an absolute essential part of a free market capitalist society. As a conservative I am disappointed in the growing number of men that have abandoned the responsibility, privilege, pride and honor of being a good provider for his family. It is no wonder to me that so many men won’t get married any more. Furthermore, I am shocked that women let them get away with it. Some of my younger coworkers have called me old fashioned because I took the trouble to get married before I had kids. Well, maybe I am.
The problem as I see it is that (and I quote the Flag Pole Sitter Song) “Only the stupid people are breeding.” If you need a license for practically everything in the over regulated country; shouldn’t we need one to have kids? Isn’t over population one of the biggest concerns of the Greenies? As a conservative, I have to say that the Republicans need to change a few things, and one of them is their outdated stand on birth control.
Now it comes to mind that Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood believed that abortion and birth control should be mandatory amongst the colored community for those households that could not afford to properly take care of any more children than they currently had. That sounds kind of racist to me (then again she was a progressive feminist liberal) but if you were to make it mandatory of all people and properly manage birth control, I believe you could avoid abortions all together. Then only people with civil unions and fiscal stability could apply for a birthing license. Thus solving our over population and welfare problems.
Unfortunately, this will never happen at least I hope it never has to happen. So long as people are too lazy to bother making a commitment to each other, too too lazy to bother with taking responsibility for their actions and too too too lazy to bother taking care of themselves, well then I have no problem if you left them behind when the last rocket ship blasts off. Mind you, when I say “lazy” I am also including the wealthy bastards that take billions in government bail outs and pay themselves huge bonuses because they are too lazy to make their business work. Yes, I can understand how that minority family driving the brand new Escalade Eddie Bower Edition can whip out that Food Stamp card guilt free. They must be thinking if the Big Whigs can get over on the government dole, then they are going to get theirs. And that is how you buy an election you lazy Republicans!   

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