Monday, December 24, 2012

Lazy and Healthy People

Lazy and Healthy People 

            Last night I went to the store to get some grapes for my daughter. Full of Christmas cheer, I tossed a buck in the Salvation Army bucket, grabbed a bag of grapes and jumped in line to pay. The lady in front of me was buying cases and cases of soda, cookies, chips and a five Lb. package of hamburger. I rolled my eyes and said to myself “Please, please don’t be EBT”. Sure enough, she pulled out a Food Stamp card. It wasn’t enough so she paid the remainder with a credit card. She is not the lazy or healthy person I am referring to in my title. In fact, I am glad that our country can give her a helping hand in whatever her situation is.  This event was not originally part of today’s topic, but I felt it sort of fit in so I mentioned it. I love the work Michael Obama is doing with the “grow your own food” and “healthy school lunches” platform. But please, please limit food stamps to healthy food. It would be such an easy thing to do, and it would help so many people.
            The lazy people, to whom I am referring, are a certain number of farmers that receive government subsidies. There are three types of farm subsidies that I know of. The first is in the form of low cost crop insurance that will cover a farmer’s loss for a bad crop. The second is money paid to a dairy farmer to regulate the cost of milk. The last is money paid to farmers for not growing food. Guess who I think the lazy people are. The latter is used as a way to help regulate the price of food so that it remains artificially high, creating a profitable market for farmers. I say we stop that subsidy, make them work for their money and grow some damn food.
            The healthy people, to whom I am referring, are actually not healthy, but need to be. These are all the poor starving people that we are constantly reminded of during the holiday season. The countless number of malnourished people we see on TV; starving to death in some god forsaken place, so remote that only a wealthy celebrity could amass a convoy to reach. All of these people reside in countries whose government receives billions of dollars in aid from our government every year. We, as Americans think this aid is supposed to help their government’s population build infrastructure to resolve their plight. In actuality, it is a program created in the cold war to buy political alignment. All the monies paid eventually end up in the bank accounts of the government officials. This is an out dated practice and it needs to be stopped. The cold war is over and this money does not guarantee that any foreign government will look out for our interests.
            Instead, I say we take the foreign aid money and buy the food the “no longer lazy” farmers and making and we distribute it directly to the poor via air dropped crates with big American flags on them and slogans like “America Cares”. You can’t just ship the food over there as we have done in the past; the foreign governments take the food and sell it instead of giving it to their people. We need to just go right to the source. So that’s how I would make them healthy people.

Merry Christmas Everybody.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Baggy Pants, Backwards Hats and Feminism.

Before you label me, let me start off by saying that I support the feminist movement. Furthermore I believe that the feminist movement should be expanded. I believe that everybody has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everybody has the right to have their bodies respected and their ideas and opinions taken seriously, or at least seriously evaluated for their worthiness of contribution. To me, this makes common sense and I believe it should be obvious to everybody, man or woman and perhaps even pets. That in this brief life of ours; all beings deserve dignity and respect!
For my answer to one of the world’s problems today, I will suggest a solution as to how we can stop women from being objectified First of all, let’s cut out the religious people of the world that follow ridiculous beliefs like radical Muslims who believe women are put on the earth to serve men. I feel deep sadness and pity for those women who believe that they are supposed to be subservient and lesser beings than men. And worse yet, those men who will never know true love: the love of a strong woman whose love had to be fought for, won and worked at to be kept. These people are lost to me and I refuse to acknowledge their pathetic doctrines and beliefs no matter how many people they kill.
My solution involves the western world’s way of life and this media addicted culture focused on materialism and preoccupied with sex. This culture that has brain washed several generations of men (including myself) into what they think is desirable, sexy and alluring. But this is not the true problem; the problem is not what men think, but how they act. And for most men, the formation of their attitudes and concepts of what is acceptable (or not) in regards to women occurs at puberty and the first few years thereafter. So if we can affect, these young men we can fix the problem.
Not to say that all men are bad. Surely, most men are good. It is only a certain type of man that degrades beats and rapes women. Most of them glorified by the gang banging, backwards hat, baggy pant, chain wearing culture, coming from the rap media. This is the culture that instigates the objectification of women the modern world despite all the laws and protections recently created to promote equality. Why do so many young men idolize and imitate this culture? Because women dig it! And as long as they do, young men will act this way and that affects their ideas as to what is acceptable, which is what creates a sexist.
Yes, I believe that women as a whole are the cause of their own problem (no pun intended, at least not consciously) Young men, constantly preoccupied with sex, will do, say, act and wear anything if they think it will help them get girls. So the real problem is that women want bad boys, the kind that treat them like, uh well, you know. You might think I am wrong, but then why do women throw themselves at guys like R. Kelly even after he urinates on, and has sex with under aged girls, on camera?
Men are wired to be oversexed at that age, so we can’t change that. But we can appeal to the clever sex. If you stop dating bad boys, stop getting pregnant with men who don’t respect you, won’t marry you, and don’t support their kids then men will start treating you with respect. Hot girls have to start giving it up to that nerdy guy in class, be seen “making out” in public with that guy who wears a pocket protector. And if enough guys watch a smoking hot chick with a sweet mild mannered guy, you will have created a new male role model. My solution to baggy pants, backwards hats and sexism is for feminists to stop hating men and start loving the right ones instead..

Next week, Healthy Lazy People will be my topic.

Monday, December 10, 2012

If we ever get off of this rock, 
let’s leave the lazy people behind.

Today, I read that over 15% of the people in America are on food stamps! As a kid growing up in East L.A., I can say that I have seen the good social programs like free lunch and food stamps can do. I am convinced that these programs are an absolute essential part of a free market capitalist society. As a conservative I am disappointed in the growing number of men that have abandoned the responsibility, privilege, pride and honor of being a good provider for his family. It is no wonder to me that so many men won’t get married any more. Furthermore, I am shocked that women let them get away with it. Some of my younger coworkers have called me old fashioned because I took the trouble to get married before I had kids. Well, maybe I am.
The problem as I see it is that (and I quote the Flag Pole Sitter Song) “Only the stupid people are breeding.” If you need a license for practically everything in the over regulated country; shouldn’t we need one to have kids? Isn’t over population one of the biggest concerns of the Greenies? As a conservative, I have to say that the Republicans need to change a few things, and one of them is their outdated stand on birth control.
Now it comes to mind that Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood believed that abortion and birth control should be mandatory amongst the colored community for those households that could not afford to properly take care of any more children than they currently had. That sounds kind of racist to me (then again she was a progressive feminist liberal) but if you were to make it mandatory of all people and properly manage birth control, I believe you could avoid abortions all together. Then only people with civil unions and fiscal stability could apply for a birthing license. Thus solving our over population and welfare problems.
Unfortunately, this will never happen at least I hope it never has to happen. So long as people are too lazy to bother making a commitment to each other, too too lazy to bother with taking responsibility for their actions and too too too lazy to bother taking care of themselves, well then I have no problem if you left them behind when the last rocket ship blasts off. Mind you, when I say “lazy” I am also including the wealthy bastards that take billions in government bail outs and pay themselves huge bonuses because they are too lazy to make their business work. Yes, I can understand how that minority family driving the brand new Escalade Eddie Bower Edition can whip out that Food Stamp card guilt free. They must be thinking if the Big Whigs can get over on the government dole, then they are going to get theirs. And that is how you buy an election you lazy Republicans!   

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Global Warming and the Economy.

Do I believe in global warming? Actually, I believe in global climate change. I believe that the earth is constantly going through ice / fire ages and nothing we do can stop it. Our time on this rock, as it spins into the sun, has always been limited. We are destined to perish. Certainly, pollution has little effect on the natural progression of the earth. Not to say that pollution is harmless, in fact it will kill us if we do not control our emissions of various forms of waste. However, if we stopped all fossil fuel emissions, the current trend of global warming will continue regardless.
What the human race needs to do is create a new industry in terraforming. Our economy needs a real industry that effectively affects the world. Just as how the preparation for the war pulled us out of the great depression, shielding the power grid from EMP and solar flares as well as climate control could do the same. The current efforts in ethanol as well as solar and wind energy do nothing but line the pockets of the politicians that invest in these industries and then create laws that force us to use them. Wind energy (because it is erratic) is incompatible with the energy grid that powers the country. The production of solar panels produces toxic waste, need to be replaced regularly and has very low output. Ethanol takes three times the amount of water per volume to produce and deprives food from an already starving global community. Don’t get me started on farm subsidies.
There are some fantastic scientists that have developed solutions to the real problem. Proposals to build a solar shield that would orbit the earth could control global temperatures and the Gulf Stream. Potentially, even the weather could be engineered. Ken Caldeira at the Carnegie Institution of Washington and Damon Matthews at Concordia University have done several studies that substantiate the validity of these efforts. But corrupt politicians especially the liberals continue to pursue hapless endeavors to resolve the real issues. Instead they veil their greed by creating panic and playing on our fears. They have perfected the technique of convincing the masses that all that is bad is our own fault. That conservation and recycling is the only solution. More on the recycling scam later.

Friday, November 30, 2012

To Get things Started

To Get things Started

I would make guaranteed student loans limited to not for profit schools.
I would it to be illegal for all elected officials to profit from the information privy to their position.
I would make one low flat tax on all income with no exemptions or maximums.
I would make food stamps purchases limited to healthy foods.
I would make welfare recipients subject to verification of need.
I would make welfare recipients get drug tested.
I would put public schools on a voucher program.
I would make teachers take annual exams related to the curriculum they teach.
I would create a universal healthcare program with private option and vouchers.
I would give amnesty to illegal alien minors in school.
I would make citizenship classes mandatory for all minors.
I would make citizenship a requirement for high school graduation.