Freedom of speech the most prized tool for liberty. We use it to incite conflict and expose truths. Yet, we as Americans should be ashamed that it took a Frenchman to muster the courage and determination to to stand against political correctness in the press. I propose that the first step to creating a Muslim reformation for the formation of a protestant revision of that religion be the mass publication of the cartoon that got Charlie Hebdo killed. But America doesn't have the balls to do it. Sad, sad, sad I take back every joke I ever made about the French.
How I Would Fix the World
I got tired of hearing all the complaints about how bad the world is, so I decided to come up with some solutions.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Gays, Guns and Marriage.
Before I get started on this week’s
topic, I just want to say how disappointed I am that we as a society are so
easily misdirected. We should be working on building an orbiting solar shield
and a national EMP protection system, which in turn would cure our economic woes.
Instead, we are all worked up about gay
marriage, WTF is wrong with us?
So let me
tell you how I would solve this problem so we can get back the important stuff.
Remove the term “Marriage” from all legal documents and replace it with the
term “Civil Union”. Then we define Civil Unions as a contract between two (and
only two) consenting human adults not of blood relations. Pretty much, legally speaking, everything
stays the same, except that we don’t restrict Civil Unions to any particular
gender definition. The reason why this is so simple is because Marriage is a
religious term, not a legal term. The separation of church and state practically
demands that we remove the term Marriage from all legal documents.
On that
note: people ask me about gay adoption. I then say what about transgender natural
parents? The possibilities of combinations to a modern family unit is all too
confusing and should be taken on case by case bases, by each state, as it
currently is. In other words, let the will of the people, child protection and
adoption agencies decide.
In the defense
of Marriage, as a married man I would like to say that I am proud to be married
and would be tickled to death to see everybody make a celebrated commitment in front
of their community to another person for the rest of their life. But Marriage
is not just a contract; it is a lot of work. My wife and I were married in a
church and we had to follow the rules of that church and its’ religion. As such
we cannot be unmarried where as a Civil Union can be broken, our religion does
not permit divorce. If a LGBTI couple wants to be married, then they need to find
a church that will marry them (I believe Episcopalians are down with that). Afterwards
they would need to get a Civil Union License just as my wife and I had to get a
License at the court house after we were married. In my world, there would be
no difference between what we did, and what any other type of couple could do.
I do not want to see is the government declaring marriage a civil right. Just
imagine the federal government arresting a Catholic priest for violating the
Civil Rights of a LGBTI couple because he would not marry them in his church! Every
religion has the right to do what it believes is right just as the Boy Scouts
have the right to do whatever they believe is right. Private organizations have
the same rights as private individuals and the government is not going to tell you who to
have sex with, right? But if they did... It would time to get our guns.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Try a little Lent?
I needed to know when Lent Ends, so I did some research and thought I would share it with you.
Lent has two starting days—Ash Wednesday for Catholics/Protestants, and Clean Monday for the Eastern Churches. But the last day of Lent was not obvious. Lent ends either the Saturday before Palm Sunday March 24, 2013 or Holy Thursday March 28, 2013, or Holy Saturday March 30, 2013. For most Catholics it is Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunday). Liturgically however, since 1969 when the revised Roman calendar was used to mark the celebration of the “Novus Ordo” Mass, Lent officially ends on Holy Thursday.
But that’s when I realized that what I really wanted to know was "When does the Lent fasting end, or when can I start drinking again?" For most Catholics it is Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunday), which is the 46th day since Ash Wednesday, but there are only 40 days of the Lenten fasting so what the heck is going on? I did some more research and it seems that since all Sundays (not just Easter Sunday) are days we are supposed to celebrate Christ's Resurrection, we are forbidden to fast or do other forms of penance on Sundays. So, when the Church created 40 days of fasting for Easter to mirror Christ's fasting in the desert, Sundays could not be included in the count.
It’s not so much a loop hole as it is an obligation to celebrate Jesus. So go ahead and have a glass of wine on Sundays during Lent. It’s in the rules!
Foot Notes: Thus, in
order for Lent to include 40 days on which fasting could occur, it had to be
expanded to six full weeks (with six days of fasting in each week) plus four
extra holly days.
Six times six is thirty-six, plus four.
-St. Augustine's
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Scoutmasters, Priests and Teachers
I have been bothered lately by the vilification of the Boy Scouts in the Liberal news. When I first heard about the movement to openly allow Gays into the Boy Scouts I was a bit confused. As an Eagle Scout, I can tell you that there have always been Gays in Scouting. It’s never been a secret; everybody knows who’s obviously Gay but never asked either way. Scouting just doesn’t care and that’s the way it should be. What this movement is all about in my opinion, is forcing someone to accept someone else being an “In Your Face Gay” as opposed to just being one of the guys. There is no place for sexual orientation in Scouting. Get your head out of your arse; it’s called the Boy Scouts not the “What I like to Screw Scouts”. My solution to this social problem is simple: Keep it in your pants and keep it to yourself. Gay pride is just as silly a concept as Pistachio Ice Cream Pride. Our new social mantra should become: “Get over yourself, move on and get along”.
Last month Scouting declined the Gay
administrative policy change movement and the liberal press accused Scouting of
being homophobic. They claim that these people unrightfully fear that their
children would be molested by Gays just because they are Gay. They state that
this is an incorrect concept based on ignorance. Furthermore, they say that child
molesters are not Gays they are Scout Masters. Surprisingly, to some of you, I mostly
agree with them. Gays do not molest children because they are Gay, but men who
molest boys are Gay by virtue of the definition of Gay they are Gay pedophiles.
Scouting does not want a “In Your
Face Gay” policy because they want to keep sex out of Scouting. Quite simply
put, sexual orientation is not a character quality. You have to understand that
Scouting was created by Baden-Powell in 1908 to teach inner-city boys character
through a semi-military structure focused on wilderness adventure. It was the
only solution presented to a growing criminal element and gang culture that was
cultivating as the popular lifestyle in the slums of London at the time (sound
familiar). It worked then and it could work now if only the press would just stop
the ridicule and vilification of Scouting and help make it cool in the public
Finally, I have something to say to
that “so and so” that called scoutmasters pedophiles, as if to insinuate that
all scoutmasters are pedophiles or that most pedophiles are scoutmasters.
Did you know that there are more children molested by Priests
than scoutmasters? Does that make all Priests pedophiles too? Perhaps it does
(in your eyes).
Did you know that there are more children molested by
Teachers than Priests? Does that make all Teachers pedophiles too? Perhaps it does
(in your school).
Did you know that there are more children molested by
Relatives than Teachers? Does that make all Relatives pedophiles too? Perhaps
it does (in your family).
Monday, January 28, 2013
Social Security and Immigration
Social Security and Immigration
It is a well-known fact that Social
Security is in danger of failing within the next ten years. The massive amount of
Baby Boomers that are approaching retirement will create a top heavy financial burden
on the system that cannot be compensated for with the current workforce
population. The only solution to the problem is to immediately increase the
base of people paying into the system while gradually decreasing the overall
costs of maintaining it until fiscal equilibrium is reached.
I believe it would be possible to
achieve this goal if we provided amnesty to all illegal immigrants currently in
the country. They would have to pay a fine, pass a background check, be banned
from receiving government paid for social services and suffer a heavier social
security tax for a period of five years. They must pass an accelerated naturalization
process as citizenship must become a requirement. Further immigration should then
be regulated to match the work force needed to maintain the social security system.
We will then need to secure our
boarders. We could use the troops that are returning from foreign shores to man
a great wall from coast to coast. Building
it and enforcing it is not only feasible but would help stimulate the economy
by providing permanent jobs. Other benefits would include maintaining the
military industrial complex without creating a war, reducing the flow of contraband
and enforcing tariffs. Let’s turn this problem into a solution!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The Stimulus Package Woes
The problem
I have with the last stimulus package is that it did little to help the economy.
What it did do is line the pockets of the owners of construction companies.
Please allow me to explain. Big fat checks were sent to each state, the state
divided the money into local and state agencies, mostly for construction projects. Then
big money was paid to various construction companies that were picked by the usual
system of graft, kick-backs and political favors. Who do you think makes those
big reelection donations to your local and state politicians? Sure, a few guys
got paid their usual salary to improve roads and things like that but the
majority of the money was kept as profits by the owners of the construction
companies. So the rich get richer and “keeping your job” is the new salary
raise, thanks Gov.
Let’s look
at the numbers and see what we can do to solve the problem. The stimulus package
was $787 billion dollars in 2009. In 2009 there were 78668381 people or families
that actually paid taxes. That is $10,004.02 for each of us. I suggest that we
should have put that money in one of those ATM food stamp cards, make it applicable
for goods and services made in the USA, then give one to each tax payer. Now
that’s my idea of a stimulus package. What’s yours?
Monday, December 24, 2012
Lazy and Healthy People
Lazy and Healthy People
Last night I went to the store to
get some grapes for my daughter. Full of Christmas cheer, I tossed a buck in
the Salvation Army bucket, grabbed a bag of grapes and jumped in line to pay.
The lady in front of me was buying cases and cases of soda, cookies, chips and a
five Lb. package of hamburger. I rolled my eyes and said to myself “Please,
please don’t be EBT”. Sure enough, she pulled out a Food Stamp card. It wasn’t
enough so she paid the remainder with a credit card. She is not the lazy or
healthy person I am referring to in my title. In fact, I am glad that our
country can give her a helping hand in whatever her situation is. This event was not originally part of today’s
topic, but I felt it sort of fit in so I mentioned it. I love the work Michael
Obama is doing with the “grow your own food” and “healthy school lunches”
platform. But please, please limit food stamps to healthy food. It would be
such an easy thing to do, and it would help so many people.
The lazy people, to whom I am referring,
are a certain number of farmers that receive government subsidies. There are
three types of farm subsidies that I know of. The first is in the form of low
cost crop insurance that will cover a farmer’s loss for a bad crop. The second
is money paid to a dairy farmer to regulate the cost of milk. The last is money
paid to farmers for not growing food. Guess who I think the lazy people are. The
latter is used as a way to help regulate the price of food so that it remains artificially
high, creating a profitable market for farmers. I say we stop that subsidy, make them work for their money and grow some damn
healthy people, to whom I am referring, are actually
not healthy, but need to be. These are all the poor starving people that we are
constantly reminded of during the holiday season. The countless number of malnourished
people we see on TV; starving to death in some god forsaken place, so remote
that only a wealthy celebrity could amass a convoy to reach. All of these
people reside in countries whose government receives billions of dollars in aid
from our government every year. We, as Americans think this aid is supposed to
help their government’s population build infrastructure to resolve their plight.
In actuality, it is a program created in the cold war to buy political
alignment. All the monies paid eventually end up in the bank accounts of the
government officials. This is an out dated practice and it needs to be stopped.
The cold war is over and this money does not guarantee that any foreign
government will look out for our interests.
Instead, I say we take the foreign aid
money and buy the food the “no longer lazy” farmers and making and we
distribute it directly to the poor via air dropped crates with big American
flags on them and slogans like “America Cares”. You can’t just ship the food
over there as we have done in the past; the foreign governments take the food
and sell it instead of giving it to their people. We need to just go right to
the source. So that’s how I would make them healthy people.
Christmas Everybody.
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