Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Scoutmasters, Priests and Teachers

              I have been bothered lately by the vilification of the Boy Scouts in the Liberal news. When I first heard about the movement to openly allow Gays into the Boy Scouts I was a bit confused. As an Eagle Scout, I can tell you that there have always been Gays in Scouting. It’s never been a secret; everybody knows who’s obviously Gay but never asked either way. Scouting just doesn’t care and that’s the way it should be. What this movement is all about in my opinion, is forcing someone to accept someone else being an “In Your Face Gay” as opposed to just being one of the guys. There is no place for sexual orientation in Scouting. Get your head out of your arse; it’s called the Boy Scouts not the “What I like to Screw Scouts”. My solution to this social problem is simple: Keep it in your pants and keep it to yourself. Gay pride is just as silly a concept as Pistachio Ice Cream Pride. Our new social mantra should become: “Get over yourself, move on and get along”.
Last month Scouting declined the Gay administrative policy change movement and the liberal press accused Scouting of being homophobic. They claim that these people unrightfully fear that their children would be molested by Gays just because they are Gay. They state that this is an incorrect concept based on ignorance. Furthermore, they say that child molesters are not Gays they are Scout Masters. Surprisingly, to some of you, I mostly agree with them. Gays do not molest children because they are Gay, but men who molest boys are Gay by virtue of the definition of Gay they are Gay pedophiles.
Scouting does not want a “In Your Face Gay” policy because they want to keep sex out of Scouting. Quite simply put, sexual orientation is not a character quality. You have to understand that Scouting was created by Baden-Powell in 1908 to teach inner-city boys character through a semi-military structure focused on wilderness adventure. It was the only solution presented to a growing criminal element and gang culture that was cultivating as the popular lifestyle in the slums of London at the time (sound familiar). It worked then and it could work now if only the press would just stop the ridicule and vilification of Scouting and help make it cool in the public eye.
Finally, I have something to say to that “so and so” that called scoutmasters pedophiles, as if to insinuate that all scoutmasters are pedophiles or that most pedophiles are scoutmasters.
1.     Did you know that there are more children molested by Priests than scoutmasters? Does that make all Priests pedophiles too? Perhaps it does (in your eyes).
2.     Did you know that there are more children molested by Teachers than Priests? Does that make all Teachers pedophiles too? Perhaps it does (in your school).
3.     Did you know that there are more children molested by Relatives than Teachers? Does that make all Relatives pedophiles too? Perhaps it does (in your family).